- Young person, age 17They just get me; I am honest about what I’m doing or thinking, and they support me properly. My risks have reduced because of my relationships here and being able to be open, before I hid everything and went missing all the time.
- Social Worker - Children, Young People and FamiliesIn regard to feedback, I don’t even know where to begin!
You guys are absolutely amazing. You have such a unique approach to working with our young people that I have yet to see in any other provider. It is evident within the first discussions, that you care about the young person as an individual and a child with their own rights, likes, wishes and experiences and not just another ‘placement’. You have tailored the transition to reflect everything you have learned about the young person and been sure to include them in every part of the decisions being made. I do not think that the transition for this particular young person would have gone so well if it had been any other home.
The work you do does not just impact on the young person but the professionals around them- you create such an approach that there is strong desire to work with you in order to meet the needs of the child and create a really strong network around them and to communicate with you regularly. Although this is how it should always be, not all agencies are able to do and certainly not as quickly as you do.
Hope that’s ok and not too soppy but I am in absolute awe of you all!
- Commissioning ManagerCongratulations on the Ofsted outcomes, please do pass on my message to your staff. This is well deserved.
X has been a wonderful success and we definitely want this to continue, especially with her 18th birthday on the near horizon.
- Social WorkerI just wanted to say ‘Thank you’.
As I left your beautiful home today I felt many emotions ranging from relief and happiness, and I realised that if I was feeling like that X must be feeling similar and more.
I am so relieved that your team has chosen to have X. You are a wonderful group of professionals and humans clearly trying to make a difference to young peoples lives.
I feel happy that X will get the chance to feel safe and wanted by your team and be shown how good care should be provided, and have the FUN she needs!
Many thanks
- OfstedThe home is led by a robust leadership and management team. The manager is visible within the home, choosing to spend time with the child and carers. He is extremely reflective and strives to consistently improve practice and outcomes for the child.
- SWEC Deputy ManagerA challenging, fulfilling workplace...
There is no typical day at work - that's what makes the job interesting. There will be good days and bad days. Bad days are important because that's how both young people and staff learn, so that we have more good days. We work with traumatised, vulnerable young with challenging behaviours. Don't expect to be their best buddy on day one or to have short term results. It takes time to build relationships and to support young people to develop positive coping strategies. However, over the longer term we do make a difference to people's lives. We can't wave magic wands, but we can work alongside young people to help them to develop skills to live independently.
You aren't alone in this: we work as a team and support each other. I have met some fantastic young people and some fantastic colleagues. I love the fact that the children's homes are exactly that: homes. We work in the children's homes; they do not live in our workplace. On my first day I was struck by the happy atmosphere of the home I work in. I have visited the other homes and am proud to say that's the same at all our homes.
- Social WorkerI am writing to say thank you for the high quality of care that you have provided …
I am also forever grateful for you stepping in as an organisation to provide a placement for [X]. This took a lot of work on your part at very short notice and has made a massive difference to his life.
I am sure that our paths will cross in the future. It has been a real pleasure. Please pass on my thanks to the team’ -
- Team Manager (Permanency) - Children Young People and Families ServicesSW Education & Care have this ability to reach some of our most traumatised, untrusting, and hard to reach children and young people. They have a way in which they are able to establish positive working relationships, to hear the child’s voice and use this to drive forward change and support young people to meet their goals and meet their potential.
The transition process offered by SW Education & Care is highly individualised to the young person and tells them from the Ofsted that they are not just a “placement” but that they want this to be their home.
- Young person, age 14Today one our young people who has very recently moved to us said she is ‘proud of herself for getting out more, being active and is excited about doing activities. She feels happy and motivated, and is doing well, this is her new home
- SWEC Therapeutic Support WorkerI have worked here since May and feel very supported in my role by the company and especially my manager. I can honestly say that this is the first home (company) that I have worked for where the child's needs are paramount, I have worked in children's homes for 12 years.
- Social WorkerCan I just finish by saying that X, based on her presentation and the fact that she feels able to open up, clearly feels safe. Thank you to you and the staff for all that you are doing in keeping her safe and in making her ‘feel’ safe.
- Social WorkerShe truly feels at home with them and she has some great relationships forming. They are also very aware of her risks and they made the best attempts to safeguard her. X is a complex young person and I feel the team are making the best progress she has experienced so far since she has been in the care of us.
- OfstedCarers like working in the home. They said that they receive good quality support from leaders and managers, and this is reflected within written records of supervision. They describe a supportive working environment where the child is central to everything that they do. Carers choose to stay working at the home. This provides the child with a stable and consistent team, allowing them to build the trusting relationships that are evident within the home.
- OfstedThe home is led by a robust leadership and management team. The manager is visible within the home, choosing to spend time with the child and carers. He is extremely reflective and strives to consistently improve practice and outcomes for the child. He has good oversight of the home. Decision-making is collaborative and child centred.
- OfstedThe child said that she feels safe and well cared for, and she likes living in the home. She has formed positive relationships with carers and named carers to whom she can go. She said that carers have supported her to reduce risk taking behaviours. She trusts her carers and said that they have provided her with a higher level of support than she had expected during a particularly difficult time.
- Service ManagerTeam work makes the dream work 😊
- SWEC Therapeutic Support WorkerI can honestly say that I love my job, PS is a fantastic manager and we have a good team at .. and we always help and support each other around our young person. The house has a warm homely feeling to it, we're like one big family in doing what we do. I look forward to coming to work every week for my 2 shifts.
- Senior Therapeutic Support WorkerI can’t imagine a role anywhere else, the support for young people and staff is outstanding.
- Devon County Council commissioningIt’s great to hear your feedback from your visit to X and a huge thank you for your support in making this happen as quickly as you did.
- SWE Therapeutic Support WorkerThis is by far the best house and best company I've worked for.
- SWEC Therapeutic Support WorkerI can honestly say that I love my job, X is a fantastic manager and we have a good team at .. and we always help and support each other around our young person. The house has a warm homely feeling to it, we're like one big family in doing what we do. I look forward to coming to work every week for my two shifts.